My career right now in the transcription industry is good to be fair, but it's not the most creative job for me.
So a few weeks ago, I went for an interview at a content management company hoping to become a copywriter.
However, it was more like the un-making of a copywriter!
Needless to say, I was rejected. I was rejected as I was no graduate.
The funny thing is that I got through all their tests fine.
The only reason I was not given a job was that I had no degree. [Side question to all: Do you need a degree to be able to write?]
Anyway, this episode does not in any way make me give up the dream.
I am now working towards a degree in English.
And, am going to write more often to improve my writing on this and other blogs.
I still believe I am on the right track to becoming a writer.
What do you think? Is a degree absolutely necessary to become a copywriter/writer?
Call me and maybe I can get you into copywriting....