Sunday 27 June 2010

Why blog when you are a daddy?

ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income
Can you believe I have 30+ blogs on and 3 self-hosted WordPress blogs right now!
To be perfectly honest, only 4 are active.

And, I'm a dad to two little girls, aged 4.5 and 1.5 years.

On top of that, I work fulltime as a transcriptionist!

Why blog at all?

Well, I wanted to give the best to my family and myself.

Working for someone else or a company, is not the best in terms of the money you make.  I want to supplement my income with the Adsense money.

Also, blogging improves my writing.  Writing is something I neglected during my school days.  So I want to see how far I can go with it with blogging.

As you might suspect I also blog about transcription hoping someday I could go freelance or even build a business out of it!

I also believe in NOT putting all your eggs in one basket.  I don't want to depend too much on my job.  It is too unstable and unreliable.  These days with global economic downturn and the politics of outsourcing it is only prudent to be ready for anything untoward.

Finally, blogging is fun!  What can I say.  Connecting with other bloggers and readers is something special for me.  Maybe, it's because I am not too good with people face to face!  Having said that blogging helps shed my shyness to a large extent and am now more vocal with my thoughts.  In fact, last night a gave a speech during a house fellowship at home.  And, I was rad, if I should say so myself!

So, that's way.

So, whats your take on being a blogger and a daddy?  Is it a no-no for you? 

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